Chapters and Proceedings
Chapters in Books
Airline Management and Logistics
Radio Frequency Identification
Supply Chain Management
Airline Management and Logistics
- Y-C. Lee, D. Klabjan, and G. Stojkovic, (2009). Crew management Information Systems. In B. Smith and C. Barnhart, (Ed.). Quantitative Problem Solving Methods in the Airline Industry: A Modeling Methodology Handbook, pp 237-283. Pub. by Springer. [.pdf]
- C. Taylor, D. Klabjan, and H. Mamani, (2008). Advanced Optimization for Interplanetary Logistics. In O. de-Weck and B. Shisko, (Ed.) Interplanetary Supply Chain Management and Logistics Architecture. [.pdf]
- C. Barnhart, A. Cohn, E.L. Johnson, D. Klabjan, G.L. Nemhauser, and P. Vance. (2005). Airline Crew Scheduling. In R. W. Hall (Ed.). Handbook of Transportation Science. pp 517-561. Pub by Kluwer Scientific Publishers. [.pdf]
- D. Klabjan, (2005). Large-scale models in the Airline Industry. In G. Desaulniers, J. Desrosiers, M. M. Solomon, (Ed.), Column Generation, pp 163-196. Pub by Kluwer Scientific Publishers. [.pdf]
Radio Frequency Identification
- D. Klabjan, (2007), Radio Frequency Identification Enabled Business Applications in Supply Chain Management. In T. Blecker and G. Huang, (Ed.) RFID in Operations and Supply Chain Management: Research and Applications, pp315-336. Pub by. Erich Schmidt Verlag. [.pdf]
Supply Chain Management
- D. Conway and D. Klabjan (2012). Innovation Patterns and Big Data. In J. Liebowitz, (Ed), Big Data and Business Analytics. Pub. by Taylor and Francis. [.pdf]
- L. Williams, Y. Jiang, and D. Klabjan, (2010). Analytics in Retail. In J. J. Cochran, (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. Pub. by Wiley. [.pdf]
- T. Sweda and D. Klabjan, (2010). The Nascent Industry of Electric Vehicles. In J. J. Cochran, (Ed). Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. Pub. by Wiley. [.pdf]
- A. Drachen, D. Klabjan, M. Yancey, D. Chu, J. Maguire, Y. Wang. Skill-Based Differences in Spatio-Temporal Team Behavior in Defense of the Ancients 2. 6th IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Games, Entertainment, Media Conference, Toronto, 2014.
- E. Ko, D. Klabjan. Semantic Properties of Customer Sentiment in Tweets. The 28th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications. Victoria, Canada, 2014. [.pdf]
Airline Management and Logistics
- E. Ko, D. Klabjan, C. Cheng, E. Lin, K. Vivswanath, and J. Liu. (2010) Strategic Gang Scheduling in the Railway Industry. Tristan, Tromso, Norway. [.pdf]
- C. Taylor, M. Song, D. Klabjan, O. deWeck, and D. Simchi-Levi, (2006). Modeling Interplanetary Logistical Evaluation of Fueling Strategies for Space Exploration. Proceeding of Space, San Jose, CA. [.pdf]
- C. Taylor, M. Song, D. Klabjan, O. de Weck, and D. Simchi-Levi, (2006). Modeling Interplanetary Logistics. Proceedings of SpaceOps 2006, Rome, Italy. [.pdf]
- R. Sandhu and D. Klabjan, (2004). Integrated Airline Planning. Proceedings of TRISTAN V, Guadeloupe, France. [.pdf]
- D. Klabjan, A. Schaefer, E.L. Johnson, A. Kleywegt, and G.L. Nemhauser, (2001). Robust Airline Crew Scheduling. Proceedings of TRISTAN IV, Azores, Portugal. [.pdf]
- C. Chen, C. Chekuri, and D. Klabjan, (2009). Topology Formation for Wireless Mesh Network Planning. Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2009 Mini-conference, Rio de Janerio, Brazil. [.pdf]
- D. Klabjan, (2002). A New Subadditive Approach to Integer Programming: Theory and Algorithms. Proceedings of the 9th Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Conference, Cambridge, MA. [.pdf]
Radio Frequency Identification
- J. Pei and D. Klabjan, (2007). Inventory Control in Serial Systems Under RDIF. EPC Connection 2007, Academic Convocation, Chicago, IL. [.pdf]
- D. Klabjan, (2007). Radio Frequency Identification Enabled Business Applications in Supply Chain Management. RFID Live 207, Academic Convocation, Orlando FL. [.pdf]
- H. Gonzales, J. Han, X. Li, and D. Klabjan, (2006). RFID-miner: Warehousing and Mining Massive RFID Data Sets. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, Xi'An, China [.pdf]
- H. Gonzales, J. Han, X. Li, and D. Klabjan, (2006). Warehousing and Analyzing Massive RFID Data Sets, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering, Atlanta, GA. [.pdf]
Supply Chain Management
- C. Kim, D. Klabjan, and D. Simchi-Levi. (2008). Optimal Expediting Policies for an Inventory System with Stochastic Lead Time under Radio Frequency Identification. Proceedings of the manufacturing and Service Operations Management 2008, Washington D.C. [.pdf]
- N. Halman, D. Klabjan, C-L. Li, J. Orlin, and D. Simchi-Levi, (2008). Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Stochastic Dynamic Programs. ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms 2008, San Francisco CA. [.pdf]
- M. Song, D. Klabjan, and D. Simchi-Levi, (2006). Robust Stochastic Lot-Sizing Using Historical Data, Proceedings of the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 2006, Atlanta, GA. [.pdf]
- D. Klabjan and D. Adelman, (2005). Duality and Existence of Optimal Policies in Generalized Joint Replenishment. Proceedings of the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 2005, Chicago, IL. [.pdf]
- T. Sweda and D. Klabjan, (2012) Finding Minumum-Cost Paths for Electric Vehicles. IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference, Greenville, NC. [.pdf]
- O. Worley, D. Klabjan and T. Sweda, (2012) Simultaneous Vehicle Routing and Charging Station Siting for Commercial Electric Vehicles. IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference, Greenville, NC. [.pdf]
- O. Worley and D. Klabjan, (2011) Optimization of Battery Charging and Purchasing at Electric Vehicle Battery Swap Stations. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Chicago, Illinois. [.pdf]
- T. Sweda and D. Klabjan, (2011), An Agent-Based Decision Support System for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Deployment. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Chicago, Illinois. [.pdf]
- S. Ruangpattana, D. Klabjan, J. Arinez, and S. Biller, (2011). Optimization of On-site Renewable Energy Generation for Industrial Sites. Proceedings of IEEE Power Systems 2011, Phoenix, AZ. [.pdf]
- D. Klabjan and K. Schwan, (2001). Airline Crew Pairing Generation in Parallel. Proceedings of the 10th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Portsmouth, VA. [.pdf]